Saturday, January 12, 2019

Art Show at Case Memorial Library

The art show at Case Memorial Library was a nice and fun evening. There was a fairly large crowd who seemed to enjoy the artwork and jewelry. I saw a number of my artist friends, including John Massimino, who gave me a short critique on some of my work. I was pleased that he liked two of my favorite paintings, Milk Weed at Rettich Preserve, and Autumn Field Near Revervoir. John is such a wonderful artist. He's taught art for a number of years at Paier School of Art and has done really well as a painter. He has a sharp eye for composition and technique and he has a delicious sense of humor. I always enjoy talking with him. It was also great to see Ed Magnotti, George Manning, and Ron Tonelli. I'm hoping to join them at a life drawing class in New Haven at the John Slade Eli house on Wednesday evenings.

The Case Memorial Library meeting room is set up nicely for artwork and has great lighting. I was able to display twenty-one pieces of my work on two walls and outside the room.

The exhibit will be up until the end of February. It's nice to have two months to display artwork.

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