Monday, August 8, 2022

Our Feathered Friends

One of the most popular subjects in oil painting is that of a warm-blooded vertebra covered with feathers and usually sporting a beak. Also known collectively as birds, these interesting feathered creatures range in all manner of variety and size from exotic South American and African showstoppers to swamp creatures with large feathery combs and long spindly legs, to proud strutting peacocks and honking geese and graceful swans, to the more commonly spotted sea birds, chickens and roosters, and the endless variety of songbirds that visit our feeders every winter. I’ve painted a number of them over the years and still enjoy seeing them come to life on my canvas.

I’ve also taught several workshops on painting different species of birds over the years. Some considerations when painting birds include:
  1. Start loose, cover large shapes and then refine.
  2. Alternate your colors, tones, and values to create an engaging contrast on the surface.
  3. Make sure that your strokes move in the direction that your feathers lay. Layering is key here to get an effective feather look.
  4. Choose a complementary background.
Cardinal in Snow
Proud Rooster
House Finch in Verbena Bush